Documentation for Messing Around in 607
March 6, 2023
- Created a personal account on GitHub
- Updated SublimeText
- Downloaded the desktop version of Github & logged in to account
- Opened PUB607 on desktop, edited course, and pushed changes to main
- Created my own Repositiory (ShaleetaSite) to play with
- Turned on Pages (needed to make repo public first) consider explaining what a repository is to students?
- Pages not working, so troubleshooted by reading documentation
- Documentation from GitHub suggested adding a theme; attempts resulted in failure
March 7, 2023
- John went over pages setup, and discovered the missing element was a file
- I deleted all extrenuous pages and created a ReadMe file; it worked!
- Attempted to find ways to make button on GitHub
- Made linked text enlarged, this could work as an easy download link (automatically changes colour)
- Reviewing posts discussing button creation on Markdown, and most involve using HTML or other languages for some parts or copying extra information
- Simplest dynamic method is to add a photo as a button and add a link for the photo… but this means using an external editor…
- Can you float text over an image? If so you could have a static button image and just change the text as needed
- Alternatively, you could use the cover image as the dynamic button, and also use plain linked text?
- This page wasn’t rendering as Markdown, so looked into why… no clear reason, but I updated the local version (I’ve been working on the cloud) and it rendered finally
- Added a list of links to the end of each page to ensure people could navigate (look at better method later)
March 8, 2023
- Added a line to the left edge of my “table of contents” on each page
- Tried to make the line start above the point of text, couldn’t get it to
- Reduced header size by adding an extra “#”
- Struggling to get line breaks correctly in MD. Sometimes they happen as if I was in a word proccessor, sometimes not
- Tried to add a backslash, didn’t parse it correctly
- Tried adding html, it broke everything after that
- Attempted two spaces at the end of a line to add a break, didn’t work
- Gave up for now!
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